This program is designed for 2 days workshop to set Role of GOOGLE as your business funnel.

*What to watch/read/test before attending:*


What will I learn after the course:

- You are able to use web apps tools to detect are of your website improvement. - You are able to know the potential of traffics and proper keyword to set up bussiness.

Syllabus: Framework digital marketing strategy

  1. Set up Google My Business, Introduction to all Google facility for knowledge, sharing and traffic ideas
  2. Set up a Google AdWords campaign SEM vs GDN vs YT Video
    • Bidding strategy (how to get a high quality score)
    • Campaign structuring (campaign > ad group > keywords > ads)
    • a/b testing techniques
    • Targeting strategy (demography, geography, scheduling, device)
    • Keyword research (brand, generic related)
  3. Create SEM text based ad
    • How to create an SEM ad (headline > offer > CTA)
    • Ad policy (do’s and don’ts)
    • Best practice (5–10 examples)
    • (WORKSHOP) participants create their 1st SEM ad
  4. Create GDN image + text ad
    • How to create a GDN ad (headline > offer > CTA)
    • GDN ad formats
    • Ad policy (do’s and don’ts)
    • Best practice (5–10 examples)
    • (WORKSHOP) participants create their 1st GDN ad
  5. Create YouTube video ad
    • Ad guidelines (storytelling, duration)
    • Ad policy (do’s and don’ts)
    • Best practice and tips (5–10 examples)
    • (WORKSHOP) participants create their 1st YT ad
  6. How to track and optimize performance
    • conversion tracking (setting up pixels)
    • how to determine KPIs (industry standards)