Heri Ardin, MM, Ssi, ICF

Young Media Planner: Media Planning in this Time of Uncertainties

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Young Media planner adalah workshop aplikatif agar para marketers memiliki kampuan media planning di era big data dan ledakan digital. Profesi Media Planner makin dibutuhkan karena punya kemampuan “CONNECTED” business objective dengan Media and Communication Objective yang outputnya adalah sebuh Media Strategy yang sejalan dan seirama. Young Media Planner di design untuk menyinergikan Conventional Media, Digital Media, Thru The Line media serta Develop Do Good Community for the brand and business. Social Selling sangat berhasrat menyusun Sylabus untuk Young Media planner agar mampu menciptakan dan menyampaikan Inspired Brief and Idea di tengah situasi uncertaties seperti sekarang ini.

What you will learn ?

Workshop melaju bersama akan berfokus kepada pemahaman conceptnya dan langsung praktek
dari para praktisi :
• Zoom dilakukan 4x setiap Kamis, 18, 25, Maret, dan 1, 8 April 2021
• Zoom dengan diskusi lanjutan 4x setiap Sabtu, 20, 27 Maret dan 3, 10 April 2021 bersama Social Selling team
• Zoom: Total 3 hours: 2 hours Sharing Experience & Theory 1-hour Practice, All video will be recorded
and will put on the YMP GOOGLE Classroom, So won’t miss the class if any.
• Access Pertanyaan yang akan dijawab 1x 3 jam, Material case study, presentation material template dan
proposal media planning template akan tersedia selama 2 bulan setelah pendaftaran.

What is the price inclusive of ?

Pre-sale 1: Rp 900.000,- (1 – 15 Februari)
Pre-sale 2: Rp 1.600.000,- (15 Februar – 10 Maret)
Pre-sale 3: Rp 2.900.000,- (11 Maret – 17 Maret)
Include: Sertifikat

What do you need to bring ?

Bring your idea and spirit

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Materi apa yang akan disampaikan? (Week 1) A: Week 1: Generating Insights Workshop: Thursday, 18th March 2021 🡪 In-Depth Saturday, 20th March 2021 Time: 00.09 – 12.00 WIB → Donny Nurpatria (We’ll explore some of the key concepts in generating Insight, and learn techniques for rapid research and empathy to gain a deeper understanding of how people really experience that the problem that drives better communication impact)Q: Materi apa yang akan disampaikan? (Week 2) A: Workshop: Thurs 25th March 2021 🡪 In-Depth Saturday, 27th March 2021 Time: 00.09 – 12.00 WIB → Esthi Yuniarti (You’ll select a media objective, system of structure and flow of media planning proposal and how to understand the media buying process and its evaluation)Q: Materi apa yang akan disampaikan? (Week 3) A: Workshop: Thurs 1st March 2021 🡪 In-Depth Saturday, 3rd March 2021 Time: 00.09 – 12.00 WIB → Janoe Adrijanto (We’ll introduce you to systems media planning thinking, and invite you to map the deeper system of structures, clients feedback that holds your problem in place)Q: Materi apa yang akan disampaikan? (Week 4) A: Workshop: Thurs, 8th April 2021. 🡪 In-Depth Saturday, 10th April 2021 Time: 00.09 – 12.00 WIB → Heri Ardin (This session will address some of the myths around media planning and how social change happens, and will introduce you to a range of strategies action plan can employ to make progress on issues that matter)Q: Softskill apa yang akan dipelajari? A: 1. Template Media Planning -> Document Excel Sheet untuk membuat sebuah Media Planning selama periode tertentu 2. Media Brief and Planning Proposal Example -> Media Brief and Proposal Media Planning yang beriisi lengkap 3. Design Thinking -> Discovering and defining a problem first, then experimenting to learn what works 4. Competitive Review 5. Google Ads Keyword Planner 6. Bussiness Model Canva

Special Notes

Problem with registration? We can help you! Please contact us at

  • Email: Info@socialselling.id
  • Instagram: SocialSelling.id
  • Facebook: SocialSelling

See you guys at the workshop!

Additional Details

Price -

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

Monday, November 1 2021 @ 00:00 to
Monday, November 1 2021 @ 00:00

Registration End Date

Monday, November 1 2021

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